Princess | Poetry Vibe
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'Act like a lady, Think like a man, perform like an assassin'

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Views: 194

ive had a couple things on my mind lately

its the way women and men are both treated

I mean its wrong for a man to place his hands on a woman

and give her multiple beatings for no reasons

its wrong for a man to pressure his women on how she should portray her image

its wrong for a man to use violence full stop even if its for petty reasoning's

its wrong for a man to cheat on a woman his dating or even just seeing

its wrong for a man .. to do a lot of things

but the couple things which have been on my mind don't relate to these

its something completely different

cause if we are honest a lot of peoples minds think like this

so why should I be thinking of the topic which seems to be repeatedly being voiced

but that's it there's no solid reason

and that's the conclusion my mind has seemed to have given

especially when I saw this woman in the middle of town slapping a man

and to me that was damn disrespectful

as if their positions were switched

 he would have had to go through a whole different type of handful

but in their situation all I saw was a couple head turns then everyone was on their way

... I mean explain this to me, is that justified

cos in my eyes

that was worse than a man cheating

cos he knew and I knew and everybody who witnessed that knew

he could not have done a damn thing

so to me all those beatings, cheatings and being treated the wrong way

goes two ways. 

its wrong to do any of those things

so if all these women preaching about non violence

 then why they being a monkey and doing what they teaching men shouldn't be doing

as the bible says 'do to others which you want done to you '

so please all you women stop acting like fools and show all these violent men if you can do it they can to.



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2b2b2 says:

Pertinent Share....thanks...ONE

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