Goldie | Poetry Vibe
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long distance

Views: 294

 Now you finally tell me your true intensions. We never were eye level. You were so brief. I expressed my time-less affection but yet you surpressed your words towards me. But still I continued with the hope. Even when we say we gave up, it's always that hope what surfaces to reassure the thoughts what was once there. These echoing thoughts scream so loudly but yet I surpress them. Something I picked up from you. Congrats on that. Still I feast on these what "if's" but that doesnt exist "where you at." Cause thats what it's all about right? I just thought I should congratulate you on pushing me to think nothing of our lil escapade. So I salute you for not "beating yourself up." nice choice of words. It was a nice time shared... So I guess I'll leave it alone and let you take your bow.

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