darylg44 | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 604

For each day we are given to rise

We are the authors

Published countless times

Inside our hard covers

individual accounts litter the brittle pages

Always on display through the windows of the world


Read by the legions of eyes

Our faces

The autobiographies of uncharted lives

For us they concede the unspoken truths

Our ever changing faces

Rare a thing that can speak volumes

without the obligation of conversation

Though it may offer few words,

few aberrations


Our faces

Always ever-present

inevitably releasing those quiet revelations.

Our novels construed by our facial debuts

We wear our smiles

The venomous glare of our many trials

Each creased line like a treasure map to wisdom,

from the infinite number of learned lessons

Our expressions

speak of our joy, our pain, our transgressions

Even our distant gaze is a voice for empty spaces

They leave abiding impressions

In silent narration our revealing faces

Often bringing tribulation to light

It’s a point of reference

for our personal journeys through life

With each random glance

it is the first of which we notice

In those brief moments

Faces of all kinds

In vast array of shape and shade

Behind each, the beckoning plot lines

Unveiling the best and worst of times

But of all the lasting images

It is always the faces,

foremost in our minds.

Copyright © 2014 by Daryl R. Gaines. All rights reserved

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bekz580 says:

Great work! Powerful read

darylg44 says:

Thanks truly appreciate the words.
Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Profound Capture.....Namaste

darylg44 says:

thanks 2b...1

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Phenomenal Paris says:

Beautifully done

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darylg44 says:

Thank you Paris

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love_supreme says:

I really liked this one. Excellent write.

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DallasCowgirl says:

Definitely understanding and feeling this one, bro!

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