Goldie | Poetry Vibe
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To be reached



Views: 310

 To be reached with even the thought of who you are giving your life to. I'm soar all around. Everything looks faded to me. I have reached that breaking point. Can what I have broken be the beginning of my own words. Make my words sweet farther so that I may eat them and have swallowed my fear. But will there be pain in my throat from the fear that I have swallowed? Will there be volume in the rate I speak? Can I make gestures to the ones that I'am speaking to? Let it rain continuously out of the mind, for that I can be fulfilled with my own thoughts that I will not worry about the weight of the world. A lap that I have been running is the inside of the cap that I have been throwing. The cap that lay'ed upon the head of the one that have reached me to this breaking point. The point in which I speak about and write about. This has brought pain to the body. What do I mean when I say "To Be Reached?" It means that turning point, that pain that has engraved itself in you. It has, It will, and it is to be Reached.

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