thatygpoetickidd | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
wonder if i should free write

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no father to me!



Views: 257

My dad called me on some I miss you type ish and I got madder by the second I mean how you over here spilling out lies to my hear as if I believe in you or something I promise you im heated it’s like he son hopping meaning when he can’t speak to his youngest son he comes to me talking about you should come down to the city and spend some time with me he really must not understand im good off him frfr don’t misunderstand I love him I really do but it’s like how the hecc you go say you want to know more about me and you feel like you didn’t get the chance to you had all the chances in the world but you messed that up yourself you can’t be mad at nobody but yourself but from one man to another I do understand that things must have been tough for you bacc then okay I get it but losing all of your kids and trying to make up for loose ends is not go cut it I respect the fact that your trying to be a part of my life but come on now im going to be 22 this year it’s a little too late I refuse to ever look bacc at my life and I say that I needed you because truth is I needed a father not a dad nor a male figure I hope you figure out the reasons why I feel this way but then again I really couldn’t careless I already have enough problems as it is already I don’t need this too and why is it that when you wanna see me it have to go to you what kind of bs is that but to top that off you go try and make me fill guilty by saying the next day is not promised and that you can die any giving moment that line can go both ways and I can die today an you’d never say  anything about your son! Ive haven’t been this mad in a cool little min just go sit there and say you wanna know what I like what my social life is like an how my girl is truth be told that really is none of yo damn business to begin with

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tretre says:

This poem is really deep, yet I know a lot of people who can relate. Beautiful poem with deep felt emotions. Keep that pen movin That ThatYGPoeticKid!

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