tretre | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner
lightness in the dark
"Don't just think it, Ink It!!!!"

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Accomplish Your Life's Dream:



Views: 339

 The power to accomplish your life's dreams,

will take you place's you've never seen,

taking you to other parts of the world, where the grass is green,

Where there's only hard work and accomplishments, no in between,

Doing things,and  visting place's you've only seen on a T.V. screen.

sharing your story all over the world, of how you've been

working hard since  the age of eighteen, now mind set strong,

your future was already foreseen.

Always keep your faith strong, keep your spirits from the unclean,

 never forgetting to ask the lord for help to  guide you though a path

which has now become routine,while you work your way to the top, which holds accomplishments that is yet unseen.

Never blur the lines between love and accomplishing your dreams,

for love can pull you back like a time machine.

Always believe in yourself, never letting other lower your self esteem,

for the haters will hate you for accomplishing your dream,

because in the end they know you will regin supreme.


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mrmelody7 says:

Very nice right on the money

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