Pharaoh | Poetry Vibe
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A full hearts cry


just different

Views: 394

There's no difference in a man who is in love on his death bed , in one that is alive in healthy, even tho he is dien she fills his heart making him whole, even when she cooks him breakfast or yells at him makes no difference in his love, he would willingly die if it ment she would live, in she shouldn't feel sympathy in his dwindling moments, but is this the only time she feels his heart, will his selfless act of taking a bullet, or pulling her outa the way if that car is that the only time she sees his heart? There's nothing more a man wants then to know in feel that he had done all he can for his girl or children but most of all, that a woman has filled his heart before he is to die, when a man feels that it makes living easier, his goals more attainable, him physically and mentally indestructible, all the I love you's in the world cannot capture that moment that feeling, that feeling of it's okay, I die with a full heart cause I have loved

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hippielikevibes says:

"makes no difference in his love" clappsss hands over and over. Your whole poem made me feel like three different emotions at once. it made me think, i appreciate your mind. Write on.

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Pharaoh says:

Thank you. In i will ima be posting soon.

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