G.Moore | Poetry Vibe
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What's Really Gone (Reli-Gon)



Views: 278

My brain had been soaking in historical filth, washed of my heritage, rinsed by baptism, and blown to put the finishing touches on an elaborate brainwash

I had been conditioned to accept "true religion" as if it were in my genes to buy into a belief that was suited to oppress me

They gave me a god, in human form, to deliver me from evil but it must be de ja vu because I've seen the uncanny resemblance of d' evil in those portraits before

Meals came a dime a dozen but the last supper taught me that I wasn't good enough to eat at his table so I cooked up this food for thought and got full of myself

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Charles2 says:

much evil has been done ...under the influence of icons. religious coins have been paid(aka thirty pieces of silver) to do dirt. still, spiritual battles must be fought in babylon

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