God keeps speaking to me he is saying shantin let it go you’re a bigger man than that don’t lose self-control all because this little thing push you over the edge just shake it off you’ll be okay and I’m just like god you already know what happened before I did don’t you think that was a little disrespectful stilling from flesh and blood his response was shantin let it go and I’m saying GOD! Do you even understand how much that makes me mad I rarely put much of it out there but now it’s completely gone I don’t care about nothing else but now I have to start from scratch some of em were the best of the best now it’s completely gone I stayed up for hours an nights writing I would literally write until I was dead tired it wasn’t just writing it was something i could do to get the stress anger and bs of the world out my system forgive me for this but LET GO?! Let go of what exactly before I could finish he said let go he said okay I will let go because this isn’t getting me anywhere just know I am really done frfr certain things and people cut me way to deep it’s at a point that if I speak it will be of my own accord and not yours you’re the only thing that’s getting me through this because if it was my choice id been have giving up