Everything I write is
AutobiographicalMy authenticity is unmatchableThe phrase fake MC is not attachableUnimaginableTo him I spit hard like my words are loose flem(?)Cuz what's out now I don't listen to themgive'em a penny for their thoughtsCuz their thoughts ain't worth 2 centsReal talk I got 3 BM' s5 babiesAll DNA certifiedNo if ands or maybes Cuz even if my ex lady was the best ladyI'm still going need a bloodtest babyI got is-suuuuuseBeen this way since the first day I was over uncles house and saw that trey poundPis-tooooolOn his dresser in his room at his apartmentThat's when he schooled me he said don't start Or use to settle petty argumentsAnd never ever hesitate when its time to put enemies in coffinsSee moms birthed meUnk groomed meALLAH saved meI am now Sunni