Tali | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark

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Mr. Forbidden Territory



Views: 674
Do I dream? Hell yeah I dream but the problem is that I dream of you. Each part of you disturbing my focus and taking me to heights that I never knew existed. Oh yeah I think of you a lot. The problem is that I'm not sure if you feel the same. You see you are a da*n flirt, and so am I. But I catch you staring at me out of the corner of those almond shaped eyes. This I know because I see you too, and I get excited. Oh I don’t wanna swing my hips extra hard to catch you. As a matter of fact I don’t wanna catch you at all, I just want to know if you see me.....and then maybe this can go somewhere. The problem is I get so da*n distracted when I see you, because then I start to think of all of the possibilities, and I wonder what type of man you are....and what do you like to do for fun? And how many ways can I count the pleasure on your face when I perform my best, but oh....you are not supposed to be in those types of thoughts of mine. You are forbidden territory no matter which angle or axis is approached. I could stare at you all day long, but I can’t do that I won’t do that, instead I’ll take a small sip of you each day so that I don’t exceed the minimum dosage. Because I want to know if you can break down the bars of this maximum security prison that is guarding my heart, and I wanna know if you can ease the fear and queasy feeling in my stomach because I am afraid. And when I look at you I am unnerved. That sexy voice, broad shoulders and tall stature. My mind thinks of two things instantly #1 are you strong? And 2, Ok well…..can you pick me up? I picture you sometimes making love to me and your voice is like the smooth, bass sounds of the cello and the sexy rhythm of a saxophone, that soothes my soul and calms my ever wondering mind, and you make me feel so......I wonder.....Da*n I wonder so da*n hard. You are like a headache that I never want to go away, and you shuffle your way into my brain and cloud my thoughts, and no amount of medication can get you out. I feel sexy without you saying a word, and I want you only because of the way that you stare at me. And you make me wonder what could be….you make me wonder so da*n much that my thoughts hurt. If I can have an ounce of you without the risk then my being for the moment would be satisfied, because I think of pulling everything in with you and wrapping you around me. And if I touch you the heat from my skin might burn you because that is how hot I get when I think of you. You make me wonder things, dam*it you make me wonder so many different things. And I want to explore you, I am a conquistador waiting and willing to take over at any moment, but I will not think these things. I will not wonder them I will not entertain them Mr. Forbidden Elusive Territory. I see your heart on your sleeve for me and you pretend like you don’t wear that shirt every day. Oh I see you staring out of the corner of those pretty almond shaped eyes, and I wonder what you are thinking when I hold that gaze. But I will leave you un-conquered, and un-touched by me for now, and when the time is right I will plant my flag. Or will you come for me first?

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mrmelody7 says:

Nice swaying poetry in motion jazzy imagery take it to the stage

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Tali says:

Thank you so much Mr Melody.....you captured perfectly the tone that the poem was set in, I always appreciate your feedback
Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Absolutely Delightful Share.....thanks for sharing....ONE

Tali says:

I'm glad that you enjoyed it, thank you!!

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