jonilee73 | Poetry Vibe
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Jealous Comparisons



Views: 246

 So I saw her picture today
And what was written on the back
She's really pretty.
And she obviously cares for you
I know this because of what she wrote
But my only question
Does she care as much as me?
Does she lie awake at night, not able to sleep
Because of something you said to her?
Does she replay every semi-intimate moment in her head
So she can see if maybe, you felt the way she did at the same time
Does she do anything possible to keep you from becoming mad at her?
Has she risked friendship upon friendship to try to get you to pay attention to her?
How long have you known her?
What do you know about her?
And what does she know about you?
Do you share the same look with her
That you give me
When you're having a good day?
Have you told her what to wear?
Does she listen?
Sure, she gave you a big picture of her
And told you that without you, she would die
And she called you baby
And said that she loves you
But do you ever say the same things back to her
And if you do, do you mean it?
Or are you like me
And you are with her, like I am with him
But when she says she loves you
You picture me instead
Because I do just that
He would show me love
And I would think of you
Do you do the same?
Think of me while you are with her?
Remember me when you are kissing her?
Replay your lies in your head when you tell her you love her?
Cause I sit in bed
And I think of you
And when I was on the phone with him
I thought of you
And when I am sitting across from you
I can't take my eyes off of you
The way you move,
The way you smile,
The way you sneak a glance at me
And the way that you bring her up
Only after someone brings him up to me
As if to say that you win
Well, maybe you do
But at least I admit it
I am in love with you
And I know by the look in your eyes
It's only a matter of time
Before you love me too.

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