Number3 | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner
lightness in the dark
As a phoenix rises.

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Dream and live


just different

Views: 313

Its was all a dream that my eyes were open.

Unknowingly traveling in dark routes and closed passages.

In an eye blink I missed the second and third scene.

In the first, I tread paths unworthy of believing.

Tag teaming with insecurity my mind stretches across galaxies.

Searching for meaning.

Bedside lamp my only light.

Things... are tight

and out of sight I recite.

Poetically viewing in an abstract concert with the curtains down.

No smile no frown no expressions seen when the lights off.

I'm dreaming...

Waking, walking, wondering...hoping.

I'm dreaming...

In an open space, crowded by societies painful grace...I'm out of the race.

I'm dreaming...

Of an escape.

I'm dreaming...

Wide awake but.

I'm dreaming living, seeing and overcoming

trials and tribulations.

Comatose with the **** life throws.

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royale jones says:

subtle yet stronge nice piece!

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