Royale jones | Poetry Vibe
Royale jones
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lightness in the dark

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Last trip to Paris



Views: 295

Caught off guard...

from a hazy fog

first conclusion that there must have been feelings involved probably unresolved

I was chasing a dream for a long weekend it may seem, through my own never land

The light like a beautiful coral reef surrounding a oasis through all the other places and thousands of other faces, she's the only one I hope to see

Trapped in this long voyage of tug a war of a unfamiliar odyssey

Deeper and deeper feelings grew deep inside of me

as I vacationed nightly the thoughts of you engraved in my memory

The sweetest of kisses I've known were sown into the fabric of us on a late night, underneath the star's light, and a warm gust of wind blowing your hair against your chin on the balcony.

Still the thought of me of all people falling crazily in love surprises me.

Through all of that not to be explained,

the only thing I find strange.

that leaves me ashamed,

Is that I forgot to get her name.

Thinking to myself in all unfairness on the train.

this is my last trip to Paris....

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