Michael-crichlow | Poetry Vibe
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Cruel world



Views: 339

 As time ticks over 

All I wana do is cover my eyes and shield my mind 
With a blanket and hide it from 
The profanity, s raping babies, 
Religious wars people worshiping fake deities it's CRAZY, 
Crazy how talented kids are killed,
Killers get out on bail,
Only for them to repeat the same and get jailed.. 
This system is frail and 
The cycle is sad 
It makes me mad to think of parents going to shrinks, while their teenage daughters at home necking drinks 
As a predator creeps in with 
Thoughts so repulsive they couldn't be kept in the darkest of dungeons, 
And they blame a generation who were influenced by generations of killers, thieves and psychopaths,
Religion believes gods wrath 
Has no limits but if I kill a child an repent I'm forgiven..!!! 
 Then I shan't worship a god with no morals
If we're made in his image where's his heart? 
To take a mother from her child before her time and to watch him cry every night in fright as he questions his own life THIS ENT RIGHT
But being at the top of the food chain has really inslaved our brains to think we're gods gift when scientists talk about climate change 
We look around strange 
And think thoughts like "us as a race will be fine just give it time" 
Then your already trapped and deserve a slap for being closed minded
Government hiding facts and cures 
While you follow your favourite artists on tour 
Countries in recession yet athletes get paid enough to send sane men into depression 
Wake bright and early with hundreds of worries and go work at a place you hate for minimum wage 
Do it all for a lifestyle you don't rate all to put a bright smile on your partners face go sleep and do it all again.. 

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2b2b2 says:

Great Take...Namaste

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