jonilee73 | Poetry Vibe
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The Fairytale



Views: 290

 Once upon a time
(Actually just last year)
In a land far, far away
(Well, five minutes away)
A beautiful princess
Lived in a magnificent fortress
(A white two story house)
With two royal parents
(Neither one had a job)
A stable boy
(Your little brother)
And a handsome prince
(Yes, you)
She was living there until she could move in with her fairy godparents
(My best friend's parents)
While they took classes on how to care for the princess
(The wonders of foster care)
And the prince began to take interest in the princess
(You kissed me)
And the princess
Told the prince
That she had to ask her enchantress before falling in love
( I was scared and asked my best friend)
The princess was told that it was written in the stars
(She could see it in my eyes)
And that the prince and princess were meant to be
(She thought you would make me happy)
So the prince and princess began to be involved
And the princess
Fell for the prince
And after years and years
(A month)
The prince said something to the princess
(I doubt you remember)
As he ran his hands through her golden hair
(Well, dark brown)
He whispered, I love You
(Remember yet?)
And the whole kingdom
(Um... me)
Fell silent
(I couldn't speak)
Because the prince
Made a huge mistake
(And you never payed for it)
He told the "Royal Lie"
(Don't say it unless you mean it)
And the princess believed him
(And I believed you...)

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