I'm caught up in the moment why bother.
It just feels so good why bother.
I'm just want to live life why bother.
Reliving old dreams why bother.
Proving my point why bother.
Seeking the truth why bother.
Settling why bother.
Embracing the struggle why bother.
Sleeping at night why bother.
Loving You why bother.
Being afraid to, why bother.
Apologizing why bother.
Taking risks why bother.
Crying at night why bother.
The True meaning Of Life Is The effort That We sacrifice
To experience the reality of living.
To be bothered with useless and Un-important things is evaluation of time organization.
Being bothered by love stimulates your passive intentions to be in love.
Stepping out on faith is the destiny we seek to stand tall on what lies beneath.
I have a strong resistance to be useless in existence. We all have a purpose to rise and fall above all.