I told him I loved him yesterday
And you know what he said?
He just changed the subject
This strange boy
With the ocean eyes
You see, he's not like me.
He doesn't care what others think
And he has the confidence
Of the most conceited guy
In the world
But that's only what you see.
He allows me to see beneath that
I see a guy
Who hates disapointing people
I see a guy
Who is scared of getting hurt
And yet
I strive to be like him
I long to speak my mind
To not care if I say something
That others think I should not say
But my first attempt
(And my biggest attempt)
Was spoken to the very boy
Who hides behind the same facade
So hear I sit
Playing the conversation
In my head
Looking for a significant pause
Or a passion filled sigh
That says he feels the same
Tomorrow I'll tell him again
And if he answers in a way
That break my heart
Then I'll find someone new
I'll fond a boy
Who is like me
Who openly second guesses himself
But I'll never forget that guy
Who is different than me
That strange boy
With the ocean eyes