A simple task
A simple line
And I suddenly can't breathe.
I need to get out of here.
But there's no where to go.
"Your clothes never match."
She said.
And it was the same line that caused you
To choose our song.
But that was so long ago
I didn't think you remembered.
But when she said it, no one responded
And we chanced a glance at each other.
Just a glance.
While I saw mockery in your eyes
I know you saw hurt in my eyes
(You wouldn't look at me again all day.)
So, are we really friends.
You don't talk to me like we're friends.
You don't act as if we're friends.
When you end a relationship,
Everything ends.
And the dumper takes everything
While the dumpee gets nothing.
Is my whole life a masquerade of what used to be
And what I wish could be again?