jonilee73 | Poetry Vibe
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About That


first love

Views: 258

In the face of the pain
I now know you will never again be with me
You will never hold me in your arms the way you did before.
And never will I be able to tell you I love you and hear a response
And although normally I would attempt to change your mind
This time, I am trying to understand
So we'll talk like we used to
Before I could be called yours
And all memories will be considered off-limits
And all heartbreak will be forgotten
And we'll pretend the last year never happened.
I'll smile when I see you and I'll keep friendly conversation going
And if for some reason,
A forbidden topic arises
We will turn our heards,
And change the subject
Not because we want to
But because that's simply what we have to do
But as one last thought
You were right,
What you said that night
With me,
Everything is about you...

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