Princess | Poetry Vibe
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'Act like a lady, Think like a man, perform like an assassin'

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This will forever be dedicted to..



Views: 191

How dare yu say i begged yu

I BEGGED YOU to stop

I screamed for yu to stop

How can yu look me in the eye and say i was the one who said i wanted it

How can yu hve the audacity to even smile at me knowing yu have ruined me

How can yu hve the audacity to even smile at me knowing yu have ruined me

You must be crazy to think that i will let yu take my identity after yu ripped my innocence away from me

Yu teared the one thing that made me who i am, away from me

How on earth could yu even look at me after yu just raped me.

I am no longer my fathers innocent child

I can no longer lay my fragile head on my mothers bosoms without feeling guilty

Yu have switched it so i will feel guilty for eternity

For the shameless act yu committed on me

Yu are evil

A devil

For what yu did to me

Did to her,

The little me.

Why me

I did not hurt a soul for this crime to be done to me

Please tell me he will suffer as he done to me

Tell me he will fall guilty

Tell me he will go and never return to hurt me

Please reassure me

Help me over come this burden laying on my shoulders

Take the weight off of me

I have been hurting to damn much to even fake the resemblance of a queen

As i have forgotten the presence of a smile on my face

I have forgotten the hurting of the cheeks when yu cant stop laughing

I have forgotten how it felt to be a kid

All i can remember ..

Is the screaming

Yur evil laughing

But dont worry cause i know my angel will not leave me for yu to come and visit again


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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

OH MY....Heartfelt Poetic Purge....with Sincere Prayers for Healing....thanks for sharing....ONE

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