Why? Why is my baby so still?
Whys he not moving?God please, im begging yu.dont take him.Lord, yu gave me my gift,this boy! was my gift god!So why yu tryna take him back?My son has a no returns policy god He cant leave me now1 poke ...2 poke..3 Move boy! move! yu aint going yet! it aint yur time ..I aint letting yuAint nobody told yu ?Aint nothing stronger then a mothers loveThat includes death boySo take my love and rise from this I am commanding yu to survive this Tears rolling, rolling down my cheeksI will sacrifice myself for yu I will allow more pain then giving birth to yu, to be afflicted on me..Just open yur eyes baby .. PleaseI will not allow yu to be a statistic I refuse Yu will not be another boy to be at the wrong place at the wrong time I REFUSEPlease take my life, please i will beg, please...Dont take him