Royale jones | Poetry Vibe
Royale jones
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 48300
contest winner
lightness in the dark

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Views: 357

I see what you see

so desperately hoping to find that moment our eyes meet

once again we reunite under the cover of unexpected sexual peaks

sweating the breach of new found feelings hidden from reach

scratching the surface

backing the purpose of falling on purpose

ushering hurt

the gamble of pain

odds of being worth it

imperfectly perfect to drown in your eyes watching our souls searching

hunger pains fed by devotion

butterflies mimics the stomach's motion

seasoned grapes

the reddest of poured potions

passion and poison

lifting and hoisting

positions of voicing descriptions of forever forward in motion

mirrored in yes

the second of notions

born to life

death to ly fulfill in love always by each other's side

for we never part joined by the beat by one heart....

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