Princess | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner
'Act like a lady, Think like a man, perform like an assassin'

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  brigadier general
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Views: 218

With the bible in her hands

Yu would think of her as holy

Yu have been misled

Personally i think she was one of the demons

The ones who were cast out of heaven

Yu can see yur reflection

Through her angered eyes

I can tell shes screaming by her open wide mouth and the vain popping on the side of her head

Screaming profanities

It must not be important as the sound of her screams have not travelled to my ears

Finally.. She leaves

I do not understand what is wrong with this woman

Cant she see

She seems to think i am the demon needing to repent for my sins

But she doesnt understand

God knows of who i am

What i think

What i have seen

He is the only one able to judge me

Only one i need to scream nd repent to

I need to leave

She has returned with another weapon

No longer holy with a bible at hand

As its been replaced by the belt

I know its time

I wait knowing what is to occur


I should be used to the stinging but i am not

As i am a mer human

Not immune to pain

As i sit there and pray

I know this is not of yur doing lord

As yu are a god of love

This is the devil trying to deceive me

As a human with a simple mind he thinks i will blame this on yu lord!

But i know i am a human

A target for all things evil

But Waitin for yu to save me

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2b2b2 says:

Excellent Share....ONE

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