Tali | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark

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Views: 757
Until I met you I didn't realize that my heart is a war zone, broken, scarred and bruised surrendering a flag of defeat from a fallen soldier who knew love but was damaged and left a casualty of cruel battles that left me for dead and I barely survived. Until I met you I didn't realize that I am caged in my own fear and terrified of falling, drowning in doubt so deep that I am only able to come up for just enough air to doubt you and burden myself with all of the reasons why you are not who you say that you are, and convince myself that you will hurt me, and guard myself from any chance at real love. I feel safe with you, and I want you to unlock every secret that I have ever kept from the world and even myself, but I am also afraid of you, and everything that could go wrong. I am afraid of the arguments and pain, and my heart is worried with so much fear that at any moment it could explode. Until I met you I didn't realize how much of a threat that you are to the chained webs surrounding my heart and I want so badly for you to rip them apart and pour yourself into me, dive into my soul and Love me, love me until I am dizzy, until I cannot see straight, until every ounce of pain that I have ever felt is lost in the love that you give. Until the wall of anxiety that I have built into my brain has evaporated into thin air. I don't want to be afraid of love, but I am because love is like heroin you can be addicted to it, addicted to the wrong person, someone who leaves your heart a tattered war zone, heavy and tired from pain, and strained with exhaustion. From you I feel that I could learn love, learn to speak it and be fluent in its language because you seem to speak love so well, if only I weren't so afraid. I want you to teach me this language, but I am so afraid, I am so terrified of you and all of the potential damage that you could do.

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love_supreme says:

These words are from the heart. Great write.

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mrmelody7 says:

You have a very stylish style of writing, the expressions always has that Pizzaz, you are a gifted strong person, in due time You will figure it all out

Tali says:

thank you so much!!

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2b2b2 says:

Powerful Share....thank you....ONE

mrmelody7 says:

Mz Lady You are a Wonderful gifted talented writer look at your views and see how many people you have reached, a poet from the vibe commented on apoem I submitted when I first joined about a year ago. its called from my truck window, it would be a great honor if you read this and you will understand where I am coming from, I say this because you always tell me how much you appreciate feed back. I read your first poem I knew you was a very unique and special and that you spend a lot of time honing your craft, you are a rare one that I read there poetry 2 or three times because it is so good and inspiring YOU are gifted

Tali says:

Wow that is awesome and I would love to read this poem, thank you so much Mr Melody

shadchan says:

Hi Tali every the emotions of a bruised heart are clearly painted in your poem. I see a heart afraid to love yet aching to give love a chance with this new lover.

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DallasCowgirl says:

Always feel the emotion in your pieces. Beautiful!

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Charles2 says:

exploring... your heart... gives the magic understandings necessary for you to develope ...a strong aura... which will attract the person with the right energy to touch your dreams... just remember to protect your heart, within your dreams...

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I have one word for you queen wow you took me on along with you and led me into your position of how scary love can be but, how your willing to take the risk although you are scared you don't let it hold you back.


I have one word for you queen wow you took me on along with you and led me into your position of how scary love can be but, how your willing to take the risk although you are scared you don't let it hold you back.

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