A broken heart does not mean that you are damaged goods. It means that you are scarred, a heart with a black marker sealed onto it that reads the pain of you. It does not mean that you are damaged goods because he didnt love you but that in his ignorance he did not realize that it was his season to love you and to shower you with beautiful words and unconditional promises that were made before God. He didnt realize that when he had you it was his job to keep you. And when you decide to move on to greener pastures and rid yourself of the ruthless tyranny that held your heart prisoner in its own chambers Do not let your scars define you instead write your pain in ink burn them and let them rise from the ashes like a phoenix because you will rise and this too shall pass. You are a sculpture waiting to be finished. And I challenge you to love yourself instead of loving love because it will never love you back if you dont love you. When he decides that you in all of your glory are not worthy of all of his selfish and self loathing "love" and that he wants to transfer this.back breaking self esteem shattering, heart breaking love to another unsuspecting or willing victim....let him, because if he stays he will be weaving a life of misery and deception like a corrupted loon with thoughts of a boy who.never knew how to be a man into your life and into your heart and you will forever become scarred and bitter and cold. Or you can choose to let him go.