scash102 | Poetry Vibe
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In the world and years of poetry.. Many stories have touched the lives of many.

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My Silent Cry



Views: 374

My feelings have been hurt, who could i turn to? I was about to loose my mind, what could i do? I needed to talk, who could i talk to? I felt empty inside, no place to hide and this is..


My silent cry. Had been lonely with no friends, who could i hang with? All my happiness had seemed to come to an end, my broken heart can i mend? There was a hole in my heart, where my mom used to be, sombody, anybody, please help me!


I want to live, seemed like life was worthless, i have stress on my chest, I need to express. This is real not a lie, this is my silent cry. My heartbeat was faster than normal, help! Would i not live paranoid? People look at me, but they do not see the turmoil that tried to consume me. This is my silent cry. I feel like i could cry a thousand tears, my heart is pierced with a spear. I try to keep my head up, but i felt like i should give day i will rise and fly, this is my silent cry. When will my eyes dry, from the tears i cried? When will bad days turn into days of never ending happiness? I'm not sayin im never happy, I'm sayin I wasnt happy enough. This is my silent cry.


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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Excellent Work...Write On....ONE
Contest Winner  

Phenomenal Paris says:

This is beautiful. I feel the same way at times.. Love it
Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

someday we will all understand... my mother is still with us. i am afraid i will be there with you, sorry about your loss

Scash102 says:

Thank you for the feedback. One of most loved writes.

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