scash102 | Poetry Vibe
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In love by yourself



Views: 308

when you're in love alone, it's like a sad never ending song. you're the one that's thinking, you'll get married and maybe have a family. you fail to realize all the pain went through.

you're giving any and everything to make this person happy and love you in return, until you realize no love is coming back. you question yourself and get so confused and can't figure out why you've been used.

It's a waste of time, knowing you put you're love on the line for someone who had someone else on their mind. It's no fun being in love by yourself, It's not good even for you're health to be in love with someone who loves someone else.

When you finally walkaway, you feel worthless, pain and feelings on you're chest are too hard to express.

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love_supreme says:

This poem is very powerful. This is one of those feelings that is hard to describe but it makes perfect sense here. Excellent write.

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