Will you kindly take a seat
your two cents on the matter
are not needed anymore
Years upon years
all you do is
pass through the exit door
Wanting things to happen
on your terms and time
Like you are all that matter
and with that we should all
be just fine
Oh my goodness
please have several seats
pick anyone you like
please go over there way over there
out of mind and out of sight
For years I have road this ride
to nowheres destination
Now I get off this ride
happy relief from its frustrations
Step aside, move along
and just leave me alone
Don't knock on my door
Don't ask my friends about me
or call my phone
Your time has passed
it has come to an end
except lifes facts
we through
nope not even friends
You served your purpose
my lessons from you well learned
No more years waisted
no longer does the fire burn
So while you sit in your seat
and wonder how you got there
know that you years of negitive actions
caused me now not to care
Moral is...
Once a woman gets to this point of no return
and your all alone
You need to think better in that seat
Then you can get up
after you've grown.