TamaraD | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark

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My Poetic Thank You


just different

Views: 691

 I never knew, I wanted to be just like you

Thinking of all the things that define you.


I mirror your loves

you likes and dislikes

Your entrance to peace in a storm

and I miss you


Foever seemingly each day

you cross my train of thought

for you are the doorway for my way

to capture an answered dream


I try to understand 

the "why's" as I wipe the tears

that define my "cry's"


Opportune snatched

 from my very grasp

I toil at my fingers

confussion lingers


Through my glass window

I watched you fade away

with your exit.


The floor is my focal point

as I bottle up the urge to make a sound

torn heart screams from the rips

yet nothing escapes my lips


Questions fill the days and night air

as each one passes

it never seems enough

still I am stuck wondering 

how to reach you

Wondering do you ever think about me

and knowing for some reason you do.


Yea I still think of all the

would've could've and

should'ves too


Knowing that you cared to help

I will always be indebted to you


Yea I still wanna be like you 

a success to my dreams desire

You are my earths hero

the one I truly admire


So for the fact that you wanted to help me

be a success at my best too

This poem will serve as my poetic thank you.


Thank You Aunt Julie!!!!



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mrmelody7 says:

Always special when a real super hero is a part of your life, mine was and is my father for their influence live within you even when they have moved on, very nice tribute
Contest Winner  

TamaraD says:

Thank you mrmelody7 yea my aunt is a very strong woman and she wanted me to follow in her footsteps. It hurts when it was out of my hands to be with her she told me it hurt her too but I am still inspired by her

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