Blaque Realm | Poetry Vibe
Blaque Realm
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Views: 246

Friends don't ever judge you from the mistakes that you've made
They give a shoulder or kinds words to help you through your tough days
They don't get jealous because what you have may be better then theirs
You help your friend to try to get it so you have it in pairs
Friends have each others back whether they're right or they're wrong
A friend will let you know your wrong and after that you move on
If friends have a fall out and they never speak again
If you were friends from the beginning it wouldn't have came to an end
Some people use the word "Friend" and don't know the real meaning
They say they're friends with sombody but their actions are misleading
If we're friends one minute and you're talking about me the next
What comes around goes around and you'll never get any respect
A true friend is life long friendships don't turn on and off
Friends always keep in touch, never seperate and get lost
Friends don't get at each others partners those things are off limits
People play too many games and they try to defend it
We have to all come together and treat each other right
If you don't have this mindstate don't waste your time, take it light.

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