SupHomeboi | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 26300
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It's been a while since I've been on here and spoke my mind, heart and soul. Feels good as always.

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Our Sunshine


Views: 266

Let's gather around in the sunshine

Let's bask in the glowing warmth

Shedding light on our joy

Our smiling faces

Sunrays reflecting off our teeth

Making us even more beautiful

After being watered by the rain

We grow like flowers in the garden

Blooming effortlessly under the sunshine

Exposing a rainbow so sublime

God's got his luminous eye on us

Casting a spell of optimism

Giving us hope of brighter days ahead

A brighter future 

At the end of the tunnel of our darkest past

Let's make the choice

To play in the sunshine

To dance in the sunshine

To sing in the sunshine

To be ourselves in the sunshine

To accept others in the sunshine

There's enough sunlight to go around

Just let it surround us

Creating a gorgeous aura

Of positivity

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