SupHomeboi | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 26300
contest winner 1
contest winner
It's been a while since I've been on here and spoke my mind, heart and soul. Feels good as always.

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Views: 315

After we left the party

You was ready to get it on

Talked your game

I've paid attention

Personified an antenna

Picking up signals

You were on my radar

Since you first walked in

Fitted clothes

Looking like a gift

Ready to be unwrapped

Bought to light

But I should be cautious

Your package is fragile

I don't want to break you

Just break you off

So we have a mutual understanding

The end result determines

Where this road might lead

How is it you're the bomb

But I'm ready to explode

Boom there it is

I'm ready to get it on

Nothing between us

But fabric on our flesh

Let's strip

Free ourselves from our clothes

Let's get close

Your breath is my breath

Your joy is my joy

Your love is my love

I'm not selfish

Sharing is caring

And I care to share

My bed with you

Share your sweat

Share your screams

Share your orgasm

Share your world

Don't hold back

Give me your all

Take all of me

In ecstasy



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