Koppe30 | Poetry Vibe
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Feelin the poetry itch n just have to scratch it! Thus as the sayin goes...u gotta start from scratch n keep on scratching!

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All American Poet


Views: 251

All American Poet (Written up 4/25/13)

Come to think of it

I am a poet.

I do write, I do scibe, and I do type

all the things that poets do.

I do not do it as often as I should.

Though sitting down with the muse daily

should be my mission.

I should be fierce, and I should be brave,

to take on the days.

I feel as if I were embodied by All American poets.

Langton Hughes I sing the blues, and break the rules like you.

Maya Angelou ooh I do wish I could coo oh so soulful as you.

Jack Kerouac I’m just as feisty I bet.

Walt Whitman I deserve respect and I earn it as well.

Allen Ginsberg I do like to showoff too.

Sylvia Plath how I do not like to feel trapped.

Robert Frost my vision is my reason.

Billy Collins I like to have fun.

Robert Creeley I love to love, that’s what its all about after all.

William Broughs I am a bit sick and twisted like you.

Robert Francis I love my country all of it, be it great or small.

Ted Kooser I have the drive to make it to the top.

Theodore Roethke I attempt more then I should to go out of my comfort zone.

Anne Sexton I can be in your face and thriving for attention.

Charles Bukowski I do have a bad habit of stating the obvious.

John Ashberry my memories are strong and I must hone them more.

Joy Harjo I wish to be enlighted.

Emily inson ohh I’d love to be more famous then you.

E.E. Cummings I like to think I’m outta the box.

T.S. Eliot I strive to be like you, word up!

Ezra Pound I strive to be like you too.

Egar Allen Poe If there’s one thing I have in common with you, it would be common sense.

Carl Sandburg your the man and I am the man as well.

Henry David Thoreau if I were more like you my life would be pure bliss.

William Carlos Williams I strive to be like you, with a strong work ethic.

Dr. Suess man I am just a kid at heart, and I love all this life has to offer.

Last but defaintly not least, the man, the myth, the legend Shel Sliverstein you brighten up my life with poetry, that’s why I wish to do the same in others lifes too.

So I can’t help it ya’ll, I just have got to keep pushing, like Gil Scott Haron, Imamu Amiri Baraka, Lucille Clifton, Robert Bly, Mark Doty, D.H. Lawrence, Elizabeth Bishop, Frank O’Hara, Bob Kaufman, Rita Dove, and last because this can’t keep going on and on is Taylor Mali.

I love to write I just got lost in it.  There are a few things you need to know that in this 21st Century a few things need to go, such as the computer, the phone, any confusion, and distractions that stop you from being productive. Most of these names never had to deal with the obsticals of today.

So just sit down with your muse and see what you can do.

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2b2b2 says:

Great Share....Informative....thanks....ONE

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