Artist JoeMac | Poetry Vibe
Artist JoeMac
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Three Minutes Old



Views: 238

 To the baby boy whose daddy left you for good three minutes after you were born.....I apologize on his behalf, see he really didn't have no clue of what he was doing, he let that other head do the thinkin for him when he was inside of your mom and she knew the type of man he was, but because his sex was bomb she stayed, she opened up more than her vagina to him that day as he berrated lies between her thighs and also from his lips, I love you's really meant her lovebox is moist, he asked her to call him daddy constantly so he could be reminded of what he didn't want to be, and after all was said and done, for the next nine months he kinda went awol, so forgive for my mistake, he didn't leave you three minutes after you came, he really left you three minutes after he came, and now its a shame, cause Im speaking to you and I'm not even your father, yet for some strange reason I feel responsible for what happened to you, see you are mere innocence, but in a sense, this world aint gone look at you as innocent, they gonna look at you as fatherless, so somewhere deep in the annals of America there preparing you a jail cell, or a phat nike contract, cause fatherless and black usually equates to one of the two, either you will be in their court system, or you will be peforming a court's system to win games, maybe you can be the next lebron james and make it from the projects, or maybe they can project you to be inmate number 1793, the same year Eli Whitney invented the Cotton Gin, so thats why I dont drink Gin, play gin rummy, nor do I take Ginseng, you came from a long line of slaves and now your mother will join the slaves of the modern day age called single mothers, and hopefully she wont be crazy enough to make you some brothers or sisters, cause I wouldn't want your step father Mister welfare check dwelling in your household, I'm sorry young man, I really am, your usually born with two strikes against you but in this case, you have three, your black, your fatherless and your alive, so let me give you a few hints on how to survive, dont wear hoodies, dont eat skittles, dont drink green tea, dont go to the gas station, dont go to the strip club, dont take the BART system in Oakland, damn sure dont go to chicago and don't wear jordans, cause doing either can possibly have you fighting for your life more than you already have too, see I'm talkin to you because I was once in your shoes, just a mere innocence, my daddy left me after I was born but that was because he had to go to work, yo daddy left because he didn't wanna accept his job, so he chose to be unemployed, now, you are that baby boy, fighting to reach manhood, and when I think about it, the really messed up part is this, watching you, knowing you have grown man burdens, and your only three minutes old

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cwinstead319 says:

omg! truth!

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