Mona_LisaNvaSmiles | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Up late but always on time one love

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Views: 185
I'm just sitting here pouring me up a glass seen two of my ex's tonight I must admit it feels good being high as chuck And low key creeping hearing how good I look This yellah bellah they wanna taste I'll be honest I let the new cutie taste My potential hopefully it'll inspire him when he licks his lips then I gotta come back home to this unaffectionate shidd this unloving unloved home Where me and Lucifer Rome no palaces or beautiful strip teasers I swear every meal tastes like liquor Was so glad when someone brought me some Easter dinner I lay in Lucifer's bed all alone wondering when the hell is he coming home............... Them red chink eyes made me fall in love and the fact that we both love the same drugs Who would have known he could drink like that We sit on the floor and go tap for tap on this Tequila Bombay Gin make us sin That 20 Grand brought us closer together So glad he doesn't know I write about him on this or call that I call him the devil........... But I wouldn't be anywhere else in this world but with my devil My eyes be so low that they match my devil You can't help who love and I love my devil Good kush alcohol great sex and rock and roll In my bed he reaches my soul and beats it til my waterfalls my king then cums on the earth and after is over I roll up and we listen to rebirth no surfboards because I dive real women go low because only the frail surf

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