2b2b2 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Love First and Love Lasts

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Disclaiming Destinations



Views: 438

When I walked away, I couldn’t say, I knew

On when and where I would make my return

All seemed silly to me, promises to keep

So I stepped out in faith, mindless to mindfulness

Just to do, what I needed to do instantaneously

For if I would have thought about you first, before I

Then we would have both perished straightaway

So now I’m that beacon, that you will be seeking

To better yourself or to travel towards for retribution

No map to follow, just an imaginary pathway to surprise

Real to your eyes, is how you will begin to realize

Surpassing me, till we meet again, maybe as friend or foe

Time will tell what new we will be told by introductions

Winding through narrow passages past broad boulevards

You said you are determined to go right, as I did concur

But you stumbled from starting out leading with your left

Tears did fall from your eyes, frustrated from presence of reality

About facing, using mind and doctrines of retracing steps to clarity

Finding the familiarity of friendly faces in those places erased

Eureka is now your place of permanent peace and comfort

Solace for the weary traveler, in these actions you find rest

Leaving home more surely in days to come, never more conceited

Talking less, while acting out more completely, by just walking

Never to boast or share your travels and company keeping

Complete and fulfilled in actions instead of Disclaiming Destinations!

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SYQ222 says:

Awesome!!! That is beautiful!!

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