edwardbalonado21 | Poetry Vibe
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just different

Views: 355

I woke up not knowing where I was... Strange thing is that I don't *** with drugs, Going to sleep is my new phobia... Thought it was saturday when really it was still Friday... Why is it I'm living this way... Time Is nothing no more... I close my eyes for the moment then i open them to see that just yesterday i was happy and today I'm clinically depressed... Now im sitting in the dark waiting for the light... i the very next night im at it again, scared as *** wondering when.... when im i gonna die when im gonna fry.... i tun on the tube and flib to the news, what do you know another homicide.... i try to go to sleep but my mind is working in reverse saying stay awake or you'll see the bottom of the lake.. you'll be sleeping with fishes, so i say good bye phobia and wishes... put the gun to my head and pull the trigger, the detectives better figure that the suicide was case, aint no killer on loose taking peoples loot, just the devil putting thoughts in men heads and putting them to bed. Phobia  

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