tretre | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner 1
contest winner
lightness in the dark
"Don't just think it, Ink It!!!!"

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Not Just My Homegirl:



Views: 589

 Your not just my homegirl,

my ace, or my roaddog,  your way more

then that, We've known each other since 

we were small.

We've done so many things together,

from playing in the sandbox, to whoopin on

girls from our block.

You've always been there when I needed

a friend, you stayed with me to the very end,

crying with me and holding my hand.

It's been so many years now, and we

are  as close as ever, not in a million

years would I trade you for someone else,

not now....NEVER!

Thank you for your, Loyalty, honesty, advice,

and encouragement, words could never express

how much that ment.

Your not just my homegirl, but your my best friend

in the whole world.


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love_supreme says:

Very nice. Good write.

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Sweet Share.....your expressions have alot of life...thank you! ONE

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