SoFloetic | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner
lightness in the dark
When I write I feel free........LIMITLESS

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Lost without you



Views: 391

I don't know what I want to write today

I'm just hoping that this pen can take my pain away

Because I'm missing you today more than usual

It's the first day of my recovery

And although the sun is shining

The brightness I can't see

Because I never pictured you and I not being we

And today I don't wanna accept the reality

I lost you

but I want you back

I just need for you to make a few changes

Drop the bs and selfish games

You told me you love me we cried all night

But today when I woke up you were no where in sight

So what do I do

Who do I give my love too now

I gotta believe that were better than this

And if we aren't

Then our love was never real

And that has to be the furthest thing from the truth

Even though I'm mad I don't wanna lose you

Because this love I have it was made for you

And I'm hoping and praying that we can pull through

Because today

I feel lost without you

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mrmelody7 says:

Love is a many splendored thing worth fightin for when its real

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