Toni_touch | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 296

 Tippy toed atop the tip of majesty
stretching. Don't stumble!
Reaching for something greater.
Greatness rises from the jagged edges of my
chipped toe polish.
Jagged edged of jaded overssers
leer menacingly from below.
Below my calibur as far as I'm concerned.
Conerned only for my safety on this
perilous voyeage to tke my place
above the sun.
Sunlight watering my eyes,
the demons down under have a hearty chuckle
thinking that their words sprung forth these tears.
Tearing at the tapestries that adorn
this mountian of reaglity,
stumbling over fallen royals.
Crushing crowns and septors with my
bare pesant feet.
Footholes in the mouthes of great orators
of yesteryear.
Ignoring the non-friendly nibbles and nips
at my ankles.
Ankle bracelets of gypsy princesses
jingle jangle in the wind as the
air thins in places.
The altitude's increasing.
Increasing my upward momentum.
Ignoring the backdrafts of bad breath
from those laying slain atop the heap.
Those who've held the most
recent fall from grace.
Say grace and feast on my bounty.
Say my prayers and lay my head.
Sing my praises of my own glittering glory.
The Milky Way looks so small from
way up here.

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