Starting on this page in this group of lines that I call the thread of Life,
I noticed the twist in turn I took in my past,
As a writer I would think my first poem should consist of the wrought I left myself or maybe even the struggle.
But these would be false if I allowed my hands to type thus far.
The things posted and written and thought should be made aloud; So When I think about it...
This will be my life you will view on this paper.
Every lyric, every poem, and even every past, future, and present event will be written here...
So I will allow my hands to do the typing to give you bits and pieces, because the last things I want; is for you to lose intrest. So look forwards to every entry,
For every word and hang on them, because I will hope that with these words are stronger then ever,
And will touch those who come across it.
Because truly whenever I think about it, words have the power to change anything, to back up any actions thought through-make furtures-bulid homes-and proceed with inventions.
But most of all words start with one simple thing to make a dream come true.