Kuro*Nekochi | Poetry Vibe
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Not What You Think!



Views: 155

So what I see cannot be real...

Who I am with is not the one I should be around?

Why is that because of the color of my skin?...

Your assumtions are artic literaly to my heart because, I Myself question my relationship sometimes as well...

But I cannot allow you to have what you want. No No No

I see it too, Someimes in the distance, the glares and the ridicule, 


I see my people come together to put me down for my choices

and I see his people put him down for choosing me.

Its hurtful and hateful

and I SWEAR it is not what you think. 

Because when things dwell down, we really do love each other

To you people out there aganist us its realy not what you think!

Its not because of his money or his color

Its not because of his status in society or for the clothes he wares

Its not because of his family or the credit score you all believe he has,


its love, and thats all it is and can be. As a black woman I am not shallow.

So it hurts to see my race ban up aganist me

Tell me I betrayed or race or that it is just some...phase!

I am telling you truly it is NOT WHAT YOU THINK,

He is not with me becuase he  thinks I am some exotic trophy

He is not with me to teach me etiqette

He is not with me because I am brainwashed or that he feels obligated to me

He is not with me to make me into a white woman; though white women are not a personality!

He is with me for the same reason I stand by his side

It is love

So stop thinking

and just accept it 

Because it matters not what you think...

but US.

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