Shattering the delusion
It festers it swells
It leaves a scar on your soul
Your dream took a backseat to your mind
Though it a terrible thing to waste becomes a terrible thing to trust
It becomes your enemy the moment you allow it to
It twists beliefs, it forgets promises made but can you complain
Maybe but you lost control the second you doubt
Oh the delusion or a illusion that it never happened
You never questioned you just let it happen
Where’s your control?
Oh yeah you lost it but can get it back
There’s a journey to take and it’s a journey alone
What is ahead was long since known
That your delusion will die if you just left them alone
You isolate them
Hide them under your bed in a box
Banish it from your thoughts
It has no control it’s only a bother
It lost its power when you decided to enter a new chapter
Though things seem out of place
You mind and soul can embrace
The delusion cloud was erased
And it will try to break from its cage
Enraged that you made it a slave
You courage was inflamed
Ready to tame the doubt within your heart
They will fight for years
Maybe all your life but you can never surrender
Never believe in doubt