Who are you?
A person that lies
A person that hides
A person that tries
Can you be that person who’s true?
That will do
Or a person that don’t
A seeker
A scared child
Or someone that always thrives
A giver
A winner
Are you a failure?
A quitter
Or a forgetter
Who are you?
Are you weak or strong?
Can you do alone?
A giver of the past
Or a lazy ass
Who are you?
Heart of gold
Or black as coal
Happy or sad
Embracer or mad
Who are you?
A thinker
A creator
Or a faker
Are you proud?
A lover of you
Or despiser of you
Do you want more?
Are you true to yourself?
Or all mouth
Are you a doer?
A mover
A survivor
Who are you?
Can you do?
Do you have confidence in you?
To do what you want to do
Inside and out
Cancel the negative out