2b2b2 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Love First and Love Lasts

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Pursuing Rainbows



Views: 723

Apparitions in guise of beloved

I do love her vague reference

Appearing out of the blue

Into my heart yet again promising, horizons

Whispering the same ballad of true love

Firmament reigns in gloom, as eyes reach……

Screaming angrily….”Why must I lose the……”

“One I Love”, in the midst of life sojourn

Over mountains, and thru seas, crossing forever

Faithfully to love, that I’ve only fleetingly seen…

Imagining glistening mirages of nirvana….running

In and out of mind, I travel, only to return, again

Always late, my most vivid memory, is your retreat

Undressing my pain, soothing such want for us 2b….

Patterned together in the heavens written from the start

You are the quiet after the storms depart from heart

I see you as art, and yes, I do treasure your presence

Interpreting my myriad of signs from you as fair weather

Bridging my yesterdays to the unseen, undreamt reality

Still happiness is as happy is right now, seeking your guidance

Sensing a love that waits, somewhere past this right now

Knowing I must travel on, never quite arriving, at the right time

Until my fortune rests squarely in your basking glow……

Following love, until love’s rainbow shows…..me you,

my happy ending!

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LP45 says:

Once again very nice work 2b2b2. So sweet.
Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Thanks kindly ladypoet45 (winks)

mrmelody7 says:

So very Poetic and a beautiful piece of artistic poetry
Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Thanks mrmelody7

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thekae says:

I love this, really deep.

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2b2b2 says:

Thanks thekae....ONE

love_supreme says:

Another classic.

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