mrmelody7 | Poetry Vibe


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I Feel So Real and I owe it all to you-Tribute song for my very favorite Singer and Special friend Natalie Cole-still connected-Feel so real Steve Arrington

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My Ole Man, Do The Hustle



Views: 937

My ole man ahead of his time

a junk man long before Sanford and son

we even lived on a street named Sanford

My dad dead and gone over 20 years

His love for us so strong still here

Air conditon compressors and miscellaneous

metal laying around in the woods he had long left behind

My brother and I to do somethin with the land

with Gods blessing we give a lending hand

Hard work gettin to that copper but dad taught us well

if you see our faaces you could really tell

We took our load of scrap iron copper and aluminum

30 miles away to the recycle place

Our ole man still gifting us

after all these many years

946 dollars for our efforts its so clear

Do the hustle, my ole man I love so dear

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LP45 says:

Awesome write mrmelody7. Good work.
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The Immortal Wize says:

Love it!

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mrmelody7 says:

Thank you ladypoet45 very much, we wont even talk about the antiques he left behind

mrmelody7 says:

Sir Wize Dom very appreciative of your comment
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2b2b2 says:

Superb Capture....hustle on!!

mrmelody7 says:

Thank you 2bsure I keep my eye on the curbs in case someone has left some precious metals, extra money in a fun way is always alright with me

LP45 says:

I can definitely relate mrmelody7, my pops was a pack rat, he made at least 75% of what he needed from the ground up. He was a welder. It'll be only a year on 5/25 since his passing. I found out why he had so much stuff. because in his days they weren't allowed to have anything so when it got to a point where things had changed, he literally kept everything. He was 82.

mrmelody7 says:

I used to mig weld among many other things but welders are always in demand I have a friend who welds and he stays busy makin bbq grills or racks my mom still livin good health has about 9 China closets from the 50s that my dad, got when he ran this suburban land field,mom is 91 she collects salt and pepper shakers three of the china closets are full of these

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LP45 says:

sorry, didnt mean to hi it twice. gotta figure out how to delete one.

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Corey says:

Good morning, A parent's love and lessons are definitely the gift that keeps on giving. Very nice tribute to your father!

mrmelody7 says:

Good mornin and thank you we all called him POP used to take me to the race horse track ist time when I was 12, he also was a number one cook used to sell hash and rice dinners 4th of July had no hash and rice like it since he died and as Fred Sanford would say you big dummy nobody asked for the recipe

love_supreme says:

This is a great tribute.

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mrmelody7 says:

Thank U much latin_lover very much appreciated he also was a number one cook

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