Toni_touch | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 274

It;s not as though without your kiss I'd shrivel up and die.

Not only the fact that I's probably fail,

just the fact that I shouldn't try.

It's somehow trespass upon our line in the sand

for me to speak the words that flow from my hands.

It seems as though it'd do such harm

to offer you a taste of the fruit my heart has farmed.

So heavy are these feelings,

though i dare  not make them your burden.

Heavier still is the yearning just to laugh with you,

use your smile to soothe the hurting.

The talk is it's name, and I walk single file.

I alone with my daydreams ever vivid

as mosaic tiles.

You, soul succulent master-crafted mesmerizer leave me falling to no end.

But I'd sooner fall alone than voice my truths and forever lose you as a friend,


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