scash102 | Poetry Vibe
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In the world and years of poetry.. Many stories have touched the lives of many.

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I was on a roll with nothing to loose, do whatever i like and choose. Unlike most i dont blow my check, tax return or go shopping frivolously. my bills were paid, got paid every week and hardships but it did make me weak. friends callin n textin, "Girl, lets go clubbin!". Ok im there sexy to death in my outfit, high heels, juicy shiny lips, pop lockin hips and short hair glistening and slick. Short and thick. Had a ball, shook my hour glass from wall to wall. Its nice n hot out, the sun is beamin and my music is beating while im riding in my new chevy '13. Greygoose and circoc flowing hand to hand, chillin at my crib with my friends and shakin our hour glass. Couple months past and money ain the same, still popping and club hoping every now and again til it ain fun and dating seems like a rerun, of a dating show. Here i am helping all in need from food to rides and not asking for a thing but loyalty and respect as the friend ill always be. When my friends get with they friends they probably talk about me n despise me, she broke now but she bettr not call me. Girl she silly and cant even work It out with her childs daddy. Whatever the gossip, and feeling they may have im sure it wasn the same when they needed help and i was all they had. Even the guy i thought i loved,  it wasnt til i was down on my luck that he showed, "broke b**ch", he called me. Forgetting he would be sorry, hours later he wouldnt stop callin me. How can i love n have a future with a man who watched me fall apart and far away he stood. Was i broke when i took your a** to work, or fed you and still you were a jerk. Was i broke when i paid for them drinks in the club and you being my so called friend, i showed you love. Or how about whn he was locked up, i got up and took you to see him. Came endlessly to see n comfort u, now u workn n drivin and the i barely matter to you. That car accident couldvr ended our lives, we spose to be girls but now u cant call me right. It was good when i cooked and fed u, no gas for work it was me lookin out for u. Wasted time thinkn my friends were sincere, hardships in my life and ain nobody here. Im a convience is what it seems. "BROKE!" They call me and friendships ain what they seem.


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2b2b2 says:

Tight Flowz.....ONE

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scash102 says:

Thank u so much for reading, and the same to u.

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mrmelody7 says:

chalk it all up as a learning experience--friends will never let you down they will run you in the ground-very astute observations-been there
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igotastory says:

Very realistic with a nice tone to it.

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scash102 says:

Thank you

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