tretre | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
"Don't just think it, Ink It!!!!"

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Views: 434

 I've sat here and thought about it......

Fakes I really dislike, I don't know how

people can fake whole relationships.....

I can't even fake a hello to someone I dont like.

Some fakes are like fake flowers.....

they appear beautiful from a distance,

but when you get closer you realize how

useless they are. Not people I chose to admire.

To some being fake is the new triend,

some of us know this very well.....we all

know a friend who seem's to keep up with the style,

they've been this way for awhile.

Fakes can even be like shadows, they follow you 

in the sun, or they can cause more damage

to you then your real enemy, I try to keep my distance

from people like this fakes especially.

I dont like fakes.......

I don't want a fake friendship....

You either like me or you dont.....

Be my friend all the time or none of the time.....

stop the bi-polar s*** and make up your mind,

cuz real friends are always hard to find.

I don't know what's worse, people

who talk bad about their friends.....

or people who know they have fake friends,

but still keep them around......

now how stupid does that sound.

To me some people are Real.....

some people are good.....

some people are fake......

And some people are REAL GOOD at being

fake, something I can't take.

Fakes will be fake from the am to the pm,

but before you judge them make sure your not

one of them.


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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:


scash102 says:

I'm loving this one. I can definitely relate

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